When a loved one is diagnosed with a terminal illness, discussions about end of life care can be difficult. However, no matter how uncomfortable the air might be in your family, end of life care options need to be examined and considered. It is at this point in time that your loved one needs the best One-on-One Personal Care there is.
- End of Life CareEnd of life care aims to provide terminally ill patients and their families with care and support during the challenging journey. Since the objective of the care program is to make a patient’s life as comfortable as it could possibly be amidst the difficulties brought by the condition, it provides a wide array of options to respond to different preferences. This is where family members who genuinely care like you, can help. By collaborating with your loved one, your health care provider, and other significant people involved – you can make better end-of-life decisions.
It is important for you to understand that end of life care is not there to treat but rather to help a patient live and possibly until the end of life. A good end of life care program is tailored to the needs of the person who needs it.
- Provider of End of Life Care There are different health and social care professionals who specialize in providing end of life care depending on a particular sphere. For example, when the work in line deals with medical issues, a doctor, nurse or therapist is responsible to take action. Whereas when emotional and spiritual inclinations are in question, a psychologist or a counselor is to take charge of the situation.
- Care ArrangementsWhere you wish to receive care depends on your decision as a family. There is a wide array of options to choose from when it comes to caring arrangements. When thinking about where to live and receive care, it is important to systematically examine and assess your needs. Choose a housing option which can effectively address and respond to it.
The main housing options for end of life care include hospitals, long-term care facilities such as nursing homes or assisted living facilities and your home. In a nutshell, the difference between these options is the extent of care provided. While some are geared towards providing 24/7 support, others offer assistance when needed to uphold independence.
When you find it best to receive care at home, Peachtacular Home Health Care can provide you with quality end of life care. A vital part of our Home Health Care in Metro Vancouver is administering hospice care for patients and their family at home. Our hospice team is made up of diverse professionals from different fields to ensure every aspect of our patient’s needs is addressed.
If you have questions about the end of life care, do not hesitate to call us at 778-859-2695 or send us a message at info@peachtacularhhc.com. We are more than happy to answer your queries.
Blogs, content and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.